

  1. Added a setFPS() method to GuiVideoFramerateSlider to programmatically change the FPS value (details)
  2. Added methods to RenderOptions to save/load a RenderOptions object from/to a Forge Configuration instance (details)
  3. The GuiRenderSettings loads their initial settings from the Replay Mod config (details)
Commit 0494b9cffe7000712943092ac64cc7c85906abf4 by CrushedPixel
Added a setFPS() method to GuiVideoFramerateSlider to programmatically change the FPS value
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
Commit 1e51b43bdb2f12e881be14a590984d2dbdfd9f14 by CrushedPixel
Added methods to RenderOptions to save/load a RenderOptions object from/to a Forge Configuration instance
Set default bitrate String to "10000K" instead of "10M", which is the same value but is simpler to parse for me
Set default of hideNameTags to false as it is in the GuiRenderSettings
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/settings/
Commit dd68b1546d509a0a3565ef823a08b58b7d452963 by CrushedPixel
The GuiRenderSettings loads their initial settings from the Replay Mod config
Upon rendering, the GuiRenderSettings saves the current RenderOptions to the Replay Mod config
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/