

  1. Uses ProgressUpdateListener interface in GuiUploadFile (details)
  2. Added a way to customize the main Command | (details)
  3. Moved "Main Menu" Button in Replay Center to the right side because it annoyed Hudeler | (details)
  4. Reworked GuiKeyframeRepository, resolving (details)
  5. Declared several variables in Method declaration final to make the code Java 1.6 compatible (details)
  6. Cleaned up ReplaySettings code (added @Override annotations, removed non-static calls to static variable) (details)
  7. Added clearKeyframesCallback Replay Setting to determine whether a confirmation screen will be opened before clearing Keyframes using 'c' (details)
  8. Added Clean Callback Setting to GuiReplaySettings (details)
  9. Added Callback before clearing Keyframes | (details)
  10. Made GuiKeyframeRepository a lot slimmer (it's so sexy now *__*) (details)
Commit 071a44e526df9b212ac11336105e39954072b733 by CrushedPixel
Uses ProgressUpdateListener interface in GuiUploadFile
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/online/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/api/replay/
Commit ff9e341c9aa4000f8bcf1b7b428ca18cd5ec6762 by CrushedPixel
Added a way to customize the main Command |
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/assets/replaymod/lang/en_US.lang
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
Commit 6a3104c6bc5c364240ebd0cb6fe28c219c162be6 by CrushedPixel
Moved "Main Menu" Button in Replay Center to the right side because it annoyed Hudeler |
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/online/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/replayviewer/
Commit c5924dd5708c236b1c6b9048ff15b7e25eb7d5f7 by CrushedPixel
Reworked GuiKeyframeRepository, resolving
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
Commit a1941a8be52e45a0f1b134d1964e0e951f23f791 by CrushedPixel
Declared several variables in Method declaration final to make the code Java 1.6 compatible
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/replayeditor/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/replayviewer/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/replayeditor/
Commit 789dba7b50b480fb68ee46a1345c03b92848df06 by CrushedPixel
Cleaned up ReplaySettings code (added @Override annotations, removed non-static calls to static variable)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/settings/
Commit b1bd3de77058e316f4f7c597e7e6ac429ce7eb23 by CrushedPixel
Added clearKeyframesCallback Replay Setting to determine whether a confirmation screen will be opened before clearing Keyframes using 'c'
Removed unused Replay Settings and removed all warnings from
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/settings/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/assets/replaymod/lang/en_US.lang
Commit 5960632354fa5a467c2060d65185f9d13e0d0909 by CrushedPixel
Added Clean Callback Setting to GuiReplaySettings
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/settings/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/assets/replaymod/lang/en_US.lang
Commit 0bb335f69241fd6fdd47df55459bf3ea9715c8d0 by CrushedPixel
Added Callback before clearing Keyframes |
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/assets/replaymod/lang/en_US.lang
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/replay/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/events/handlers/
Commit d2cead161dc8613c20661eb033654ef49665b743 by CrushedPixel
Made GuiKeyframeRepository a lot slimmer (it's so sexy now *__*)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/