

  1. Properly save FMLProxyPackets in the Replay by converting them into S3FPacketCustomPayload objects and normally serializing those (details)
  2. Prevent Replay recording from being started when loading a Replay (details)
  3. Stores information about Mods that may be required to properly view a Replay when saving a new Replay (details)
  4. When loading a Replay, calculate differences between the currently installed Mods and the Mods that were used while recording the Replay. If there are incompatibilities, a callback is displayed, warning the user about possible consequences and listing the offenders. (details)
  5. Replace static method to compare Mod Environments with non-static method compareTo in RequiredModInformation (details)
Commit 300cb8a43dacd4b5e711dc39c4c225023f9c2511 by CrushedPixel
Properly save FMLProxyPackets in the Replay by converting them into S3FPacketCustomPayload objects and normally serializing those
Properly add FML's NetworkDispatcher to the Replay's Pipeline to handle converted FMLProxyPackets while replaying
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/recording/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/replay/
Commit d13f1d08ef59dd0daf05cf6b0796732a486b31e2 by CrushedPixel
Prevent Replay recording from being started when loading a Replay
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/recording/
Commit 3f94b8fe155a98d34b67fff7a9496bb730003293 by CrushedPixel
Stores information about Mods that may be required to properly view a Replay when saving a new Replay
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/utils/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/utils/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/holders/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/recording/
Commit 4165bcb3b67d9de1f735f312a9cd77561653198e by CrushedPixel
When loading a Replay, calculate differences between the currently installed Mods and the Mods that were used while recording the Replay. If there are incompatibilities, a callback is displayed, warning the user about possible consequences and listing the offenders.
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/assets/replaymod/lang/en_US.lang
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/holders/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/gui/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/replay/
Commit a03993c3eef3e12a772a2603f572d12a6a8ee4c7 by CrushedPixel
Replace static method to compare Mod Environments with non-static method compareTo in RequiredModInformation
Prevented possible NPEs in RequiredModInformation#compareTo method
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/replay/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/eu/crushedpixel/replaymod/holders/